Knowing someone struggling with addiction is common, but knowing how to help someone with an addiction can be confusing and even challenging. When someone develops an addiction, it negatively affects each aspect of their lives and their loved ones. One is inevitably concerned about their loved ones, and it can be tricky to choose what to do and what not to do. But remember that addiction is treatable and recovery is the solution.
Once you observe the signs of addiction in your loved one, be it alcohol or heroin addiction, you will need to learn to talk to and treat them positively and helpfully. There are several ways to do this; some require practice, while others need a great deal of effort and understanding from your end. Below we have shared some tips to help someone with drug addiction.
Helping someone with an addiction is challenging; no magic potion will convince them to quit overnight. However, here are some tips on how to help an addict get treatment:
Learn about addiction. Unless you know addictions, their nature, symptoms and treatment, you might miss the signs exhibited by your loved one. Addiction is complex; you cannot learn everything in a fraction of a second. Investing your time in learning about addictions will be beneficial to understanding the plight of your loved ones. You'll be able to meet their needs once you are aware of the disease.
Offer Support. Individuals struggling with addiction might not recognise the concern of their family and friends for them. In this scenario, one may talk about their worries and take the necessary steps before it gets too late; addiction doesn't heal by itself; if you're waiting for the right time to address this with the sufferer, now is the right time. Assure them that they are not alone, and you will support them throughout their journey.
Please encourage them to seek help from the best rehabilitation centre in India. Don't be shocked if the individual responds with an excuse or denial to seek help. It can be challenging to help someone with an addiction. Your loved one:
● May deny they have an issue.
● May resist the change.
● May fear the social or legal consequences such as losing a job or going to jail.
● Might feel ashamed or embarrassed to discuss their addiction
● Maybe hesitant to discuss their issues with a mental health professional.
● Might be using the drug to self-medicate other underlying mental disorders or avoid life stressors.
There is no shortcut or easy way to help someone with an addiction. Combating addiction requires immense SupportSupport and effort. If an individual is not ready to seek help, persuading them might seem futile. One can take small steps towards a bigger goal deal with each obstacle one at a time. Be assertive and enlighten them with the benefits of seeking help for addiction. Make sure that you don't victim blame or shame them in the process. You can also convince them to meet a psychologist; an intervention might motivate them to get the required help for addiction.
Ongoing Support Support through the recovery process. Once your loved one agrees to seek help from the Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in India, you must participate in the process. Involvement in your loved one's journey, attending family counselling and motivating them goes a long way. An individual in the rehabilitation process may feel isolated; your assurance can help them recover faster.
Looking After Oneself. This might appear selfish, but it is essential to look after oneself. If you help someone with alcohol addiction or any other addiction, the chances are that you feel exhausted, allow yourself a break. Make sure that you eat right, get enough sleep and exercise. If at any time you feel overwhelmed or struggling due to your loved one’s addiction, do not hesitate to meet a counsellor.