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Know-How To Calm Your Anxiety and Anxious Thoughts
April 20, 2022


An anxious mind is characterised by extreme worry pertaining to day-to-day activities such as issues at school or work or managing changes in life. These intense feelings of worry tend to get uncontrollable and start interfering with one's life. It also gives rise to health habits or problems that further deteriorate one's condition. For example, individuals struggling with anxiety also suffer from digestive issues, insomnia, or chronic pain. Individuals with anxiety also self-medicate with alcohol or drugs, thus, developing other disorders.

Individuals need to learn how to calm an anxious mind to restore their quality of life and regain control over themselves. In this blog, you will learn about various tips to help ease an anxious mind instantly and in the long run.

anxious mind

What are Anxious Mind Symptoms?

The anxious mind symptoms include:

●    Feeling unable to relax, nervous, or tense
●    Fearing the worst, or a sense of dread
●    Feeling that the world is slowing down or speeding up
●    Feeling that others are looking at you or can observe your anxiousness
●    Feeling incapable of stopping worrying or feeling that something unfortunate might happen if one they stop worrying
●    Worrying about anxiety, i.e., fearing when a panic attack might happen
●    In need of constant reassurance from others or feeling that others are upset or angry with you
●    Depression or low mood
●    Worrying that one is losing touch with reality
●    Thinking about a situation or bad experiences over and over again or rumination
●    Feeling disconnected from one's body or mind, or like you are a character you are watching in a movie, is also known as depersonalisation.
●    Another form of disconnectedness is where one feels that the world is not real, also known as derealisation.
●    Worrying about the future. 

Living with anxiety reduces one's quality of life and interferes with their day to day functions. It thus becomes important to seek the Best Anxiety Disorder Treatment.

How to Calm an Anxious Mind Instantly?

Whether you live with an anxiety disorder or are feeling anxious momentarily. Here is how to calm an anxious mind instantly.

Slow down

When you pace your physical movement down, you allow your anxious mind to calm down. You can lower the pace of everyday tasks such as washing dishes, walking, or showering.

Consume social media or news updates with a pinch of salt

Coming across social media content or tragic headlines can result in unnecessary panic or fear. You can choose what you read and skip the piece of information that causes trouble for you. Also, it is a good practice to reconsider your decision of sharing a news article or social media post if you feel it could evoke a feeling of fear in someone.  

Adding certainty to the day

Practising mindfulness is the first thing that strikes one's mind when thinking about how to deal with anxiety and depression. At the same time, mindfulness prepares one to deal with unprecedented and uncertain situations. Building elements of certainty to help the anxious mind calm down. Set a routine for your day, including meditation, sleep, or exercise, to add healthy habits. Your mind can count on these elements to pacify.

Come to your senses throughout the day.

Try the three-by-three practice to calm your anxious mind. Observe three things that you can see, three things that are audible to you, and three things that you can feel. Go ahead and experiment to figure out what works best for you, extend the practice to all five senses, or concentrate on one sense at a time.

Get rid of the critic.

Observe when you compare yourself to others, be kind to yourself and remember that your worth is not assessed by comparing yourself with others. Notice when these thoughts arise and dismiss these thoughts with kindness.  

Do a Reality Check

An anxious mind fogs the line between probability and possibility. Question yourself, "if this thought holds truth?" "what feelings do these thoughts evoke in me?" "what does it instigate me?" and "what would I be doing if this thought did not exist?". Getting the answers to these questions will fade away the difference between the probability with the possibility. 

Look up and Listen

Connect with nature - soak up the sun, listen to the birds chirping, lie down on the grass and allow yourself to feel comfortable. Embrace all the visuals and sounds that are surrounding you. 

Explore and experiment with these ways to calm your anxious mind and observe how you feel. Always remember that regardless of what you feel, you are not alone.

How to Stop Feeling Anxious in The Long Run?

Here are a few things that can help you improve your overall well-being by managing stress- which is also how one can stop feeling anxious in the long run. 

Regular exercise

Struggling with anxiety might make you feel that you do not have the time or energy to hit the gym or even go for a walk. It's okay to feel that way. However, working out regularly brings an immense difference in anxiety levels. We do not mean intense weight training sessions; you'll be surprised to know that even a fraction of exercise can bring a huge difference. For example, a twenty-minute walk daily is sufficient for you to witness a change in your mental health. It is beneficial for both your mind and body; it offers bilateral stimulation to one's brain. It allows the anxious mind to go "offline" and sends signals to your body that it is safe to enjoy or relax. 

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Try to develop a habit of going to sleep and waking up simultaneously each day- including weekends! One's routine before bedtime matters. Allow yourself some time to wind down. For instance, twenty minutes without any gadgets, go for a walk or a shower instead. Keep potential triggers at bay; these may include watching television or scrolling through social media handles. 
Practising good sleep hygiene will help with the anxious mind symptoms such as insomnia, worrying about day-to-day activities or waking up at midnight. 


Working humour into one’s daily life can help to stop feeling anxious. Consider these when feeling anxious:

●    Subscribe to the joke newsletter
●    Watch or read cartoons
●    Watch funny videos or sitcoms
●    Surround yourself with people that make you laugh

Hanging out with friends

Research shows that isolation is the worst for depression and anxiety. Relationships and bonds are important for everyone, even introverts. So make time for family and friends and attend social gatherings. 
Try adding this to your routine by ensuring that you attend a social situation at least once every week.  

Consider Therapy

You should consider therapy if your anxious mind becomes unbearable for you. Therapy is an essential part of an individual's life that undergoes constant chronic stress due to work, relationships, or health issues. A good therapist will pave the way for you to improve communications, establish boundaries, promote brain flexibility, and practice emotional regulation with the help of different therapeutic approaches. 

You can meet a mental health professional to choose a form of psychotherapy that best suits you; if you don't form a rapport with your therapist, you also can see a different therapist.

Some of the therapy you can consider include:

●    Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
●    Internal family systems (IFS)
●    Eye movement desensitisation reprocessing (EMDR)
●    Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)
●    Emotional freedom therapy with tapping (EFT)
●    Virtual reality exposure therapy

SimranShri Rehabilitation Centre has highly experienced and trained mental health professionals that can help you overcome anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

Tags: anxious mind, anxious mind symptoms, how to calm an anxious mind, how to stop feeling anxious

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